Don’t panic


posted by on Bla Bla Bla...chiacchiere inutili, Musicalmente parlando, Studio, Televisione

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Stanotte ho avuto una cazzo di crisi di panico con serie difficoltà respirative e mi sono presa 2 pastiglie calmanti (biancospino e roba varia) perchè stavo andando via di testa. E volete sapere perchè? Per la mia simpatica tesina triennale che al momento constra di 5 o sei file word (una ventina di pagine) che devono essere messe con un ordine logico. Stasera mando tutto all’assistente del prof via mail e gli chiedo amorevolmente di dirmi se fa tanto schifo…
Dio! Non ero una persona tanto ansiosa, lo ero un po’ ma non così schifosamente da panico, cosa diavolo mi è successo? Non so quasi non mi riconosco più, negli ultimi mesi sono diventata una sottospecie di caso clinico (frase ricorrente…andrò al Pronto Soccorso dal Dr.Barnett a farmi dare un’occhiata ù_ù < -- uso troppo spesso questa stronzata di intercalare ultimamente). Bah speriamo di riuscire a cavarci qualcosa. Ho trovato un calmante però, ascoltare musica è da sempre il mio calmante e in questi giorni uso una canzone, quella che chiude l'ultimo episodio di ER con Ray e Neela, perchè è davvero...rilassante, è triste, kispios se è triste però mi rilassa e allora la metto su a ripetizione (stamattina 18 volte consecutive) e la ascolto mentre scrivo la tesi, leggo il materiale ecc...e un po' aiuta...per fortuna! Ride by Cary Brothers You are everything I wanted The scars of all I’ll ever know If I told you you were right Would you take my hand tonight? If I told you the reasons why Would you leave your life and ride? And ride… You saw all my pieces broken This darkness that I could never show If I told you you were right Would you take my hand tonight? If I told you the reasons why Would you leave your life and ride? And ride… e dopo aver postato le lyrics...beh posto anche la transcript della scena, perchè riguardala migliaia di volte è diventato un calmante anche quello (as always thanx to vuleimoor from the LJ Rella Community!) c'è speranza, per i Rommies c'è speranza, finchè tengono John Stamos lontano dal cast...
Neela packing

Neela’s in her room packing, Ray enters the apartment with pizza.

Ray (shouting out) : Yo Neela

Neela : I am in here.

Ray : Hey I brought you a peace offering, extra anchovies and I promise no more dirty dishes okay.

Neela : I am gonna go and stays at Abby’s for a while. She’s at Luka’s most of the times so…..

Ray walking upto her room leaning on the doorframe.

Ray : You are moving out like tonight.

Neela : I’ll get to the post office when I can, get my mail forwarded.

Ray : You dont even wanna wait until you atleast find a new place.

Neela : I don’t think that’s such a good idea.

Ray : Yeah…probably right. Hey, all good things right??

(They look at each other either not sure what to say.)

Ray : Sure had a lot of fun though.

Neela smiles, starts walking towards the door.

Ray : Maybe the next guy won’t drink all my tequila. You need a hand with anything.

Neela : Oh no thanks

Ray : Pizza??

Neela : I better get going.

Ray : Okay

(They are at the door, standing very close to each other. She hands him his T-Shirt.)

Ray : You know I have been looking for this for like a month.

Neela : Yeah I rather like sleeping in it.

( Both realising what she’s just said, Ray leans down a little as if to kiss her (or so I think) )

Neela : I..I’ll get the rest tomorrow.

(Neela leaves. She’s getting her things in the cab ,when Ray comes out.)

Ray : Neela..Look, please. (stops her from getting in the cab) just one second. Please. I wish I didn’t (looks down for a second) feel how I feel. Truth is you are the best friend I ever had.

(Neela stands there absolutely not sure what to say. Ray asks her to take the T-shirt)

Ray : Take this.

(Neela just gets in the cab without taking the T-shirt leaving a teary eyed Ray behind and all us roomie fans bawling. Why oh why she couldn’t have just taken the T-shirt )

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